Dual Boot, GRUB ubuntu naložen na win2000



  • Matobeli Član
    uredil/-a 21. March, 2006
    Found a swap file by the name "/var/tmp/menu.list.swp"
    owned by: root dated: Tue Mar 21 16:18:21 2006
    file name: /boot/grub/menu.list
    modified: YES
    user name: root host name: ubuntu
    process ID: 9481
    While opening file "/boot/grub/menu.list"

    (1) Another program may be editing the same file.
    If this is the case, be careful not to end up with two
    different instances of the same file when making changes.
    Quit, or continue with caution.

    (2) An edit session for this file crashed.
    If this is the case, use ":recover" or "vim -r /boot/grub/menu.list"
    to recover the changes (see ":help recovery").
    If you did this already, delete the swap file "/var/tmp/menu.list.swp"
    to avoid this message.

    Swap file "/var/tmp/menu.list.swp" already exists!
    [O]pen Read-Only, (E)dit anyway, (R)ecover, (Q)uit, (A)bort, (D)elete it:

    tol emi napiše. pa menu.lst mi sploh ne pokaže
  • looka Član
    uredil/-a 21. March, 2006
    (isti računalnik kot matobeli)
    okej - smo še enkrat montirali linux in zdaj imamo tudi grub. proglem pa je, da ko skopiramo vrstice

    title Windows 95/98/NT/2000/xp
    root (hd0,0)
    chainloader +1

    tja kamor pašejo, javi error - neka napaka v executable fajlu.. any ideas?
    linux ima 2 svoji particiji.

    neki type 0xe unsuported ... nekako tako pise

    kot da ne bi imel na cju vec nic... tista komanda fdisk pa ne prime - error da ne obstaja.. ne ce grem v command line v grub, ne ce loadam winse iz cdja..
  • dej pasti sledeci output:
    df -h

    Za spodnji primer ti je pa javlju da obstaja swap file - najbrz nisi pravilno shranu datoteke in ti je swap ostal notri.
  • nima veze...

    zgleda sem pri zadnji inštalaciji nekako uspel poškodovat moj c:, kar je pomenilo da sem ga lepo formatiru pa naložu nove winse... sicer je šlo neki fajlov pa še kkšn popoldne bo šu, predno bo vse ok, ampak upam da ne bo hujše sile...
  • A si probu win particije mountat iz linuxa? Ti dela?
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