

Imam težave z wifijem odkar sem si namestil ubuntu, že prej sem imel Pinguy OS in je bila težava enaka. Namreč računalnik izgubi povezavo z wifijem, ko mu zapaše - enkrat po minuti, naslednjič pa lahko šele po nekaj urah... Z windowsi te težave ni.
Ima kdo kakšno rešitev?


  • Tole sem najdu na spletu, pa upam da bo pomagal, če bo mel kdo podobne težave..:

    Change the wireless setting of IPv6. I tried it with my laptop, which has been continually dropping the connection, and so far, all day long, I have not had a single dropout! It seems to be working. In Ubuntu, in the top right, click on the wireless network icon that shows connectivity. In the dropdown menu, at the bottom, select "edit connections" and then highlight your wireless connection name. Choose edit, then select the IPv6 tab (to the right of the IPv4 tab) and change the setting from "automatic" to "ignore". Save and exit. Reboot your PC. That took care of my problem, and hopefully will yours, too.

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